Example Twitter posts
We refer to the central element in a phrase as the head of the phrase. If the head is a noun then the phrase is called a noun phrase. #ESL
Phrases are considered as the 2nd level of classification as they tend to be larger than individual words, but are smaller than sentences.
Simple English sentence constructions and configuration examples: http://bit.ly/31aC9S - #ESL #education #English #grammar #blogger
Introduction to English Phrases:types definitions examples http://bit.ly/31aC9S #ESL #education
Introduction to English Clauses: types definitions examples http://bit.ly/31aC9S #ESL #education
Why international students fail English Tests - http://bit.ly/31aC9S #ESL #English #education
FREE ESL English Education Article Links - http://www.eslincanada.com/articles.html - #ESL #English #education #blogger
Study English as a Second Language Plan - Blog Article http://bit.ly/1bB6Gh #ESL #education
Link to Learn English Blog - http://learn-english-blog.blogspot.com/ - features English language education articles #ESL #blogger #education
English Language Conversation Skills require language ability + content + (social + non-verbal communication skills) + culture knowledge.
Introduction to descriptions definitions explanations: ESL EFL ISL ESOL ELT L1 L2 http://www.eslincanada.com/esl.html #ESL #Education
EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language - Many students study #EFL as an academic subject & not for using English for communication
#ESL students usually study and practice English as a language for communication and to improve their active abilities to use the language